Sustainable Events: Let's Work Together

We’re big on sustainability here at Wyboston Lakes Resort. We know that with such a large site, catering for 1000’s of people daily, it’s important to know exactly what impact we have on our environment, and how we can work towards minimizing that impact.


Events That Won’t Cost the Earth

We know that sustainable events are the way forward. That’s why we’re committed to making sure that our venues and the resort is as sustainable as possible. We’ve made huge strides forward, but our work is not done, and neither is yours!

Zero Carbon Events

Roadmap for Net Zero Carbon Events

Wyboston Lakes Ltd proudly announces its commitment to sustainability by joining the Net Zero Carbon Events Pledge, aligning with over 600 influential organizations in the conference and events industry worldwide, which aims to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Zero Carbon Events 1.Fw (1)
Zero Carbon Events 2.Fw (1)

Committed to Transparency and Accountability

This strategic plan, shaped in collaboration with partners, suppliers, and customers, reflects Wyboston Lakes' dedication to measuring, tracking, and reporting its Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions, adhering to industry best practices.

Sustainability Logos 2022

Let’s Talk Rubbish

Waste comes in all shapes and sizes, and with all events there will always be a certain level of waste. We’re doing our best to try and reduce and minimize our waste from any event, this includes:

  • Removing food waste completely in 2023
  • Ensuring we continue to be Zero to Landfill
  • Minimizing paper usage and wastage with the help of digital tools
  • We’ve reduced single-use plastics by 42% since 2019 and are aiming to reduce them further.

Energy Energy!

The message is clear; the world must find ways to utilize renewable energy sources as we cannot continue at the rate at which we are now. Here’s a few things we do to try and improve our efficiency across site:

  • All electricity across site is from 100% renewable resources.
  • Lighting systems have been upgraded to LED which use far less energy than halogen.
  • We measure every bit of electricity used to try and improve efficiencies over time.

Give us a helping hand why don't you...

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If you can, jump on a train to your event! Or failing that, could you car share?

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Virtual Tours

To save travelling for a show round, you might be able to make use of our virtual tours, depending on the type of event your planning!

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Less Plastic Please

Bring a refillable water bottle with you, and do away with those single-use plastics!

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Food Glorious Food

Only plate up what you know you’ll eat; you can always come back for more!

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Flick The Switch

Not in your meeting room? Make sure those lights are switched off.

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Go Outdoors!

Your event might be in multiple buildings. Instead of driving between them, have a wander. Remember, fresh air is good for the soul!